A Gift from Cornwall

Organic Dulse Flakes By the Cornish Seaweed Company




The Cornish Seaweed Company have been harvesting  seaweed since 2012. Born out of a love for life and the ocean, a belief in healthy and tasty food,it is a rapidly growing enterprise forming a team of over 10 dedicated seaweeders.

With the clean and wild Cornish coast as our playground, we scour its rocky shores in search for the highest quality seaweeds. All of which are harvested, washed, dried and packaged by hand, ensuring the highest quality using artisanal practices.

Our aim is to provide you with an honest superfood; sustainably harvested, local, edible seaweeds and to introduce these as an alternative food source that is healthy, nutritional, tasty and good for the environment. Did you know that you do not need to use pesticides, fresh water, or fertiliser to grow seaweeds, which are among the most productive plants in the world?

Traditionally favoured by the Irish, Dulse adds amazing taste, colour and a healthy kick to a huge variety of dishes from savoury creations to sweet treats. Delicious and super healthy, so let the adventure begin!

Easy to use versatile sprinkles on any dish.

Taste: Bacony, Umami, Salty, Sweet and Smokey